Saturday, December 1, 2007

Zachay's first taste of snow :)

Zachary noticed Seattles first snow fall and wanted a taste.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

And Round Two

I sense a connection with this nice man...

Perhaps it is our mutual lack of hair?

But, even without hair, I am very, very cute. Okay?

Oh no you di'int!

The beginning of the Festival of Smooches

Nevermind the Bollocks... Here Are the Pictures!

Family Portrait

Extended family portrait

Visiting with Dada and Dadi!

No, I totally love the TV, too!

Dadi in her natural element

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Pictures, pictures, pictures

Update, March 8th

Hi Everyone, Sorry about not posting for a while but Zachary has been keeping us busy. Everyone is making good progress. Zachary received his first set of shots a couple of days ago and well, the aftermath was very vocal. He made sure that we knew how he felt :) He is a whopping 8 pounds 10 ounces and stretching to 21.5 inches. The pediatrician said he was doing just fine and keep doing what we are doing.

Emily is also doing much better. Her last set of tests have her back in the normal range. She is getting a little more energy and stopped having her fever spikes.

We had some friends visit recently (Allen and Lauren and Amy and Roger)--I took some pictures--of course.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

And Now for Something Different...

Pictures without the feeding tube! These shots are of Zach in his new digs, the family home.

Clearly the feedings are working --he's gained a whole pound this week! I can report that just since last seeing Zach on Sunday, he looks bigger. He has more presence. Obi and Em are hanging in there, but they're going through the rites of passage of every new parent -- namely sleep deprivation.

I'm going to be adding an account here for Obi and Em. Now that they've settled in, they'll have some time to make some of these updates themselves. So keep an eye out for live reports from the field!

A rare shot with Grandma, who is usually
bustling around helping out!

Taking a little siesta.

Enjoying the comfort zone of the bassinet.

They eventually pried him out of my arms, but
it took some effort to convince me to give him up.
(I believe a dirty diaper was the chief motivating

Monday, February 12, 2007

Perfection: Up Close and Personal

While this update is very exciting for me to share, it doesn't offer much new information for all of you.

On Sunday, I received clearance from Obi to come visit my new, magnificent, perfect nephew in his natural habitat.

It's very exciting to watch Obaid and Emily as new parents, and I'm proud to report that they are perfect. They have none of that new-parent/deer-in-headlights look. You'd think they were old hands at this. I knew they would be great parents, and it's very satisfying to see in person. Obaid is so competent and caring and Emily is incredibly organized and on top of every need Baby Zach has. Her attention to detail and thorough research skills are obviously an asset here.

Zach is a very tranquil baby. He really didn't fuss much except when alerting his parents that he needed food or a diaper change.

As terrified as I initially was, it was so exciting to get to sit and hold him for a good, long time. Mostly, he slept. But there were a few moments where he would open his eyes and peer curiously out. He was very patient with me, because I couldn't stop stroking his perfect baby feet and perfect baby arms and legs and hands. His features, which you can see in photos, but is an altogether different phenomenon in person, are just perfectly formed and delicate and beautiful.

This is one good looking kid, and with parents like Obaid and Emily, I know he's going to be smart and have every opportunity a kid could hope for.

Personally, it was a very touching evening for me. I wish you guys could experience how exciting it is to be with the little tyke, because he is a wonder.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Breaking out of the Bubble!

Great news to report today: ZACH IS HOME!

I repeat: ZACH IS HOME!!

And, in related news: Obi and Em are tired!

Pictures to follow soon. Right now they are trying to find a routine (a routine with very little sleep) and continue the process of growing Zach, preemie extraordinaire.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Lights, Camera, Action!

And here are the latest Zach Khan videos --complete with Dada and Dadi (paternal grandpa and grandma) cameos!

Zach looking around. With potentially chapped lips.
Dadi is officially comfortable.
My dad continues his tradition of waking up sleeping children. (Instant flashback to my teen years.)

Meet the Grandparents

My parents have been pretty anxious to see the little tyke (understandably), and they've come up for a visit. My mom is here for an extended bit, but my dad is only here for the weekend.

Both days were spent hanging out with Zach at the hospital. Em is a bit tuckered out, but continues to take care of herself, though I imagine she could do with a really good night's sleep.

Here are some pictures, and I'll upload the videos soon.

I don't think my mom let him out of her grip for a second. Dad will need to wait for the next trip to get to hold him!

Coming Attractions

I've been remiss in my posting duties lately, but there hasn't been much new to report. Emily has continued to work on convincing her body that it's as well as she'd like it to be (with mixed success). The fevers continue to be a regular nuisance, but mostly she feels much better.

She and Obi are busy with daily visits to the hospital--which confirm that Zach is continuing to grow as he should. Personally, I am impatient for the stage that he comes home and I can commence with making a total fool out of myself with the cooing and the weird faces.

My parents are in town and thus a barrage of photos and videos are upcoming. I don't think either one of them had exhaled until they actually got to see both Zach and Emily with their own eyes. My mom consoled herself with buying half the baby-clothes department from Macy's. (I'm told the other half is back in LA, primed for the next visit.)

I'm busy with hosting duties this weekend, but hope to post all the goodies very soon.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin'

For newborn babies, getting all kinds of sensory input is a key part of development. Obi and Emily are going to the NICU every day to give Zach some TLC. From my very limited knowledge on newborns, the sensation of being touched is very key.

I know Emily is glad to be home, and also glad to be getting some New Parent classes at the hospital. As rough of a time she's had, she really looks terrific. Skin all glow-y and vibrant.

Emily's temperature rises and drops, but she is a pretty model patient. She is taking good care of herself and doing everything necessary to return to full strength.

If a picture is worth a 1000 words, I'm not sure what a video would net. That said, here are four new ones of Zach, being his charming self.

These are all about 2.5MB, so you may want to right-click and save for a smoother viewing.

Zach with Dad
Zach with Mom
Wriggling Zach
Making Noise

Supporting Cast

And here's a picture of Emily's mom --who has been camped out at Casa Khan, helping as needed. I think this is a very sweet shot of her.

And one of me, having a glorious time with Sam, Best Dog EVER!

Zach Khan, Superstar!


Well, I wasn't expecting that!

Hmm. I wonder what's for lunch today.

Time for a nap.

Zach's version of the Macarena.