Thursday, February 15, 2007

And Now for Something Different...

Pictures without the feeding tube! These shots are of Zach in his new digs, the family home.

Clearly the feedings are working --he's gained a whole pound this week! I can report that just since last seeing Zach on Sunday, he looks bigger. He has more presence. Obi and Em are hanging in there, but they're going through the rites of passage of every new parent -- namely sleep deprivation.

I'm going to be adding an account here for Obi and Em. Now that they've settled in, they'll have some time to make some of these updates themselves. So keep an eye out for live reports from the field!

A rare shot with Grandma, who is usually
bustling around helping out!

Taking a little siesta.

Enjoying the comfort zone of the bassinet.

They eventually pried him out of my arms, but
it took some effort to convince me to give him up.
(I believe a dirty diaper was the chief motivating

Monday, February 12, 2007

Perfection: Up Close and Personal

While this update is very exciting for me to share, it doesn't offer much new information for all of you.

On Sunday, I received clearance from Obi to come visit my new, magnificent, perfect nephew in his natural habitat.

It's very exciting to watch Obaid and Emily as new parents, and I'm proud to report that they are perfect. They have none of that new-parent/deer-in-headlights look. You'd think they were old hands at this. I knew they would be great parents, and it's very satisfying to see in person. Obaid is so competent and caring and Emily is incredibly organized and on top of every need Baby Zach has. Her attention to detail and thorough research skills are obviously an asset here.

Zach is a very tranquil baby. He really didn't fuss much except when alerting his parents that he needed food or a diaper change.

As terrified as I initially was, it was so exciting to get to sit and hold him for a good, long time. Mostly, he slept. But there were a few moments where he would open his eyes and peer curiously out. He was very patient with me, because I couldn't stop stroking his perfect baby feet and perfect baby arms and legs and hands. His features, which you can see in photos, but is an altogether different phenomenon in person, are just perfectly formed and delicate and beautiful.

This is one good looking kid, and with parents like Obaid and Emily, I know he's going to be smart and have every opportunity a kid could hope for.

Personally, it was a very touching evening for me. I wish you guys could experience how exciting it is to be with the little tyke, because he is a wonder.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Breaking out of the Bubble!

Great news to report today: ZACH IS HOME!

I repeat: ZACH IS HOME!!

And, in related news: Obi and Em are tired!

Pictures to follow soon. Right now they are trying to find a routine (a routine with very little sleep) and continue the process of growing Zach, preemie extraordinaire.