Sunday, January 28, 2007

Lights, Camera, Action!

And here are the latest Zach Khan videos --complete with Dada and Dadi (paternal grandpa and grandma) cameos!

Zach looking around. With potentially chapped lips.
Dadi is officially comfortable.
My dad continues his tradition of waking up sleeping children. (Instant flashback to my teen years.)

Meet the Grandparents

My parents have been pretty anxious to see the little tyke (understandably), and they've come up for a visit. My mom is here for an extended bit, but my dad is only here for the weekend.

Both days were spent hanging out with Zach at the hospital. Em is a bit tuckered out, but continues to take care of herself, though I imagine she could do with a really good night's sleep.

Here are some pictures, and I'll upload the videos soon.

I don't think my mom let him out of her grip for a second. Dad will need to wait for the next trip to get to hold him!

Coming Attractions

I've been remiss in my posting duties lately, but there hasn't been much new to report. Emily has continued to work on convincing her body that it's as well as she'd like it to be (with mixed success). The fevers continue to be a regular nuisance, but mostly she feels much better.

She and Obi are busy with daily visits to the hospital--which confirm that Zach is continuing to grow as he should. Personally, I am impatient for the stage that he comes home and I can commence with making a total fool out of myself with the cooing and the weird faces.

My parents are in town and thus a barrage of photos and videos are upcoming. I don't think either one of them had exhaled until they actually got to see both Zach and Emily with their own eyes. My mom consoled herself with buying half the baby-clothes department from Macy's. (I'm told the other half is back in LA, primed for the next visit.)

I'm busy with hosting duties this weekend, but hope to post all the goodies very soon.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin'

For newborn babies, getting all kinds of sensory input is a key part of development. Obi and Emily are going to the NICU every day to give Zach some TLC. From my very limited knowledge on newborns, the sensation of being touched is very key.

I know Emily is glad to be home, and also glad to be getting some New Parent classes at the hospital. As rough of a time she's had, she really looks terrific. Skin all glow-y and vibrant.

Emily's temperature rises and drops, but she is a pretty model patient. She is taking good care of herself and doing everything necessary to return to full strength.

If a picture is worth a 1000 words, I'm not sure what a video would net. That said, here are four new ones of Zach, being his charming self.

These are all about 2.5MB, so you may want to right-click and save for a smoother viewing.

Zach with Dad
Zach with Mom
Wriggling Zach
Making Noise

Supporting Cast

And here's a picture of Emily's mom --who has been camped out at Casa Khan, helping as needed. I think this is a very sweet shot of her.

And one of me, having a glorious time with Sam, Best Dog EVER!

Zach Khan, Superstar!


Well, I wasn't expecting that!

Hmm. I wonder what's for lunch today.

Time for a nap.

Zach's version of the Macarena.

Rare Footage of Mama Emily

Isn't her profile remarkably chiseled?

The Baby Grower 2000

Here are a couple of shots of Zach in his NICU terrarium. I recommend clicking them to magnify the cuteness.

You Want Pictures? I'll Show Ya Pictures!

I wrangled the whole photo directory from Obi, so I will be posting a series of photos and videos today. Prepare to be delighted!

Here is one I thought I had posted earlier. Isn't Zach adorable? He looks like the Travelocity gnome's nephew!

Friday, January 19, 2007


Emily is home and happy to be there! Such good news! I hope to swing by tonight after work to check in on her, and it is very exciting to get to see her in her natural habitat again!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Past Third Base, Almost to Home...

I just talked to Obi this morning. There's not much new to report right now, but there may be soon.

Baby Zach is doing great. They're alternating his oral feedings with a feeding tube, but he's healthy and continuing to develop as he should.

Em is still on the mend, if tired. They're hoping to be released from the hospital today, but are waiting to see if it's going to happen or not. Keep your fingers crossed!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Today Was a Good Day

Emily was able to get out of bed without any assistance, walk around the maternity ward and even hike all the way back to the ICU to personally thank the nurses and doctors who took care of her.

She is continuing to eat solid food, and her appetite has returned.

Emily is particularly appreciative of all the flowers and get well notes that people have been sending. It has brightened up her entire room! She says it looks like a florist shop!

Zach is still doing very well. Because he is so active, he wasn't putting up with IVs in his arms or legs, and they've replaced those with an umbilical line. He is getting all of his nutrition orally and has started to gain some weight.

The doctors are very optimistic about his long term health and wellness as well as his mommy's.

We're still hoping that Emily will get to come home by the end of the week, with Baby Zach to follow not too long after!

Out of ICU!

Here is a message from Obi:

"Emily is finally out of the ICU as of Monday afternoon. Yay!

She is making good progress with her vital signs and her energy level is getting better. She was able to eat solid food today and muster enough energy to go for short walks down the corridor.

She got to see Zach for the first time today since getting a brief glance at him after delivery. Now, she is only about forty yards away from him instead of another wing of the hospital. We are hoping that she can be discharged by the end of this week.

Zach is continuing to charge forward, eating and developing his body. In some ways, he has shown success greater than full-term babies! He is getting photo-light treatment, as many babies (including full-term) have concerns with liver development.

With Emily out of the ICU, we are able to visit with Zach easily, and have done so several times today.

Thanks to everyone for the well wishes, good thoughts, and offers of help. We appreciate them very much!"

Monday, January 15, 2007


Good news! It looks like Emily will be breaking out of the ICU today and returning to the regular maternity ward. Her room number has changed, so for those of you sending flowers --it is now room 218.

Quick Note

If you click on the photos, you can see them at their full size (which is quite large).

There Can Never Be Enough Pictures!

Extreme Closeup!

Obaid Khan, Daddy

Dashing New Hat!

Okay, people, enough with the flash!

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Daddy is Funny!

Zach clearly has already developed a good sense of humor!

Baby's First Videos!

While Zach is currently still in the NICU, Obi is able to visit whenever he likes.

Here are a couple of adorable videos of Zach in the NICU.

Zach enjoys his pacifier.
Zach waving and getting active!

First Feeding and Update

Here is Obi, proud new father, with Zach's first feeding!

I will be uploading a lot of pictures shortly, but as Emily is still in the ICU, Obi wanted to have something to show her.

Speaking of Em, as I said, she's still in the ICU. Her condition is improving (BP, heart beat, pulse all normal), but they want to hang on to her to monitor things very carefully. She's breathing on her own, her swelling has gone down, and she's able to talk and make jokes.

We're really hoping that she'll be out of the ICU within the next couple of days, and maybe even home within a week. As of now, it looks like they're going to hold onto Zach in the NICU for the next month. It's always possible that he'll be able to come home sooner, but the doctor's are erring on the side of caution right now.

I just wanted to shoot this quick update off and will upload some videos shortly!

Hello, World!

I am Jeena, auntie of Zach. I've created this blog to keep everyone apprised of all the news with Baby Zach and Emily and Obaid. I will try to update daily and share what I know, and ask that those of you reading this communicate the latest information to those who do not have the ability to do so.

I'll post some pictures very soon, but to catch everyone up:

Zachary Hameed Khan was born on January 12th at 9:59PM. He was about 7 weeks early, and weighed in at 4lbs and 10oz and 16.5 inches long.

There were some complications with the labor, and Emily had a tough time with it. There was an emergency c-section, and Emily lost a lot of blood. They had a rough night, and Emily had a few surgeries before stabilizing enough to be moved to the ICU. (I'll let Emily decide the level of detail she'd like to share about all this.)

Zach is resting comfortably in the NICU (neonatal intensive care unit) and is breathing on his own, without any oxygen support. As the lungs are the last to develop and are one of the concerns with preemies, this is a great sign.

Emily is recovering, though it was an obviously tough birth. I was able to visit with her for a long time yesterday and while she looked tired, she was more than able to hold her own in the conversation and was watching a football game when I got there.

She did have a fever last night, so they haven't let her out of the ICU yet, but there is hope that she can return to her regular hospital room tomorrow.

Please keep them in your thoughts. Flowers can be sent to Emily Khan c/o Northwest Medical Center in Seattle, to room 214 in the Childcare Center. As she loves flowers, it would be nice for her to be surrounded by a garden when she makes her return to her room from the ICU.